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Speakers' Presentations

June 12, 2007
Amyr Klink's - Lecture
› Special Opening Plenary: | Download | PDF (868kb) |

June 13, 2007
Plenary 1 - Simon Zadek
Roundtable 1 - Adalberto Verissimo
Roundtable 1 - Adriana Ramos
Roundtable 1 - Andre Fernando Baniwa
Roundtable 2 - Decio Zylbersztajn
Roundtable 2 - Fabio Trigueirinho
Roundtable 2 - IPE Ethos 2007
Roundtable 2 - Jason Clay
Roundtable 2 - John Elkington
Roundtable 3 - Jose Goldemberg
Roundtable 3 - Luiz Pinguelli Rosa
Roundtable 3 - Marcelo Furtado
Roundtable 3 - Mozart Schmmit
Ken O'Donnell's - Lecture

June 14, 2007
Plenary 2 - Instituto Ethos - Oded Grajew
Plenary 2 - Instituto Ethos - Paulo Itacarambi
Plenary 2 - Instituto Ethos - Ricardo Young
Plenary 2 - Instituto Ethos - Ricardo Amazonia
Theme Panel 1 - Carlos Córdoba
Theme Panel 1 - Eduardo Jorge
Theme Panel 1 - José Tadeu de Moraes
Theme Panel 1 - Margareth Florez
Theme Panel 1 - Valerie Weinzierl
Theme Panel 3 - Pablo Frederick
Theme Panel 4 - Domingos Barreto
Theme Panel 4 - Rubens Gomes
Workshop 1 - Part 1
Workshop 1 - Part 2

June 15, 2007
Theme Panel 5 - Gilvan Sampaio
Theme Panel 5 - Giovanni Barontini
Theme Panel 5 - Jacques Marcovitch
Theme Panel 6 - Cláudia Brito
Theme Panel 6 - Patrícia Audi
Theme Panel 7 - Depoimento Marina Silva
Theme Panel 7 - Edilson de Paula Andrade
› Theme Panel 7 - Ivanildo Hespanhol: | Download | PDF (3.39mb) |
Theme Panel 7 - Marco Simões
Theme Panel 7 - Marcos Montenegro
Theme Panel 8 - Magnus Apostólico
Theme Panel 8 - Maria Aparecida Bento
Theme Panel 8 - Nilcea Freire
Theme Panel 8 - Paulo Itacarambi
Theme Panel 8 - Reinaldo Bulgarelli
Plenary 3 - George Mathew
Plenary 3 - Linda Funnel Millner
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