
Creation of partnerships for a better world

Partnerships. This was the dominant theme of the special plenary meeting that opened the 2005 International Conference – Partnerships for a Sustainable Society, held on June 8th, 2005, by Ethos Institute, together with United Nations Development Programme (PNUD), in Hotel Transamérica, in São Paulo, State of São Paulo. Almir Dossal, Executive Director of the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships (Unfip); Carlos Lopes, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations and Resident Representative of the PNUD; and Oded Grajew, President of the Ethos Institute, reflected about the unsustainability of the present socio-environmental and economical situation of the planet, and the necessity to build new forms of cooperation and partnerships among governmental, business, and society institutions to achieve a sustainable society.

In the opening meeting, Oded Grajew reassured his belief that “the creation of partnerships is the best way to build a better world; the one we dream of”, and spoke about the mission to perceive and implement a responsible management to achieve this goal. Carlos Lopes emphasized the social responsibility is not only what the companies are able to do for a sustainable development, but also the whole set of these actions: “Transformation depends on a joint will,” he said. Amir Dossal, on the other hand, advocated we should develop funds of global partnerships to reach more peoples. He also stated “if we do not work with individuals, we cannot face all problems we wish to fight”. He said he believes in the social responsibility system arising in the Brazilian scenario.

Cia. Étnica
The night closed with a cultural attraction, brought by Petrobras: the presentation of the show Enter, of Cia. Étnica, from Rio de Janeiro, a theatrical and poetic performance about the streets, directed by the choreographer Carmen Luz.
After the show, the choreographer conducted a chat with the audience, explaining what is Projeto Encantar: “a informal school of drama,” in her own words.

By Adriana Somma
