
June 10, 2005

From 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Plenary 3
Ethics for sustainability: solidarity and cooperation
In this Plenary Session we will debate views of how solidarity and cooperation among different social agents can become basic values to guide relationships in a sustainable society.

From 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Coffee break and networking

From 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Roundtable 3
Globalization: how to face the dilemma of productivity versus social inclusion
Economic growth without extending the employment sector is a factor underpinning social exclusion and increased inequality. In this Round Table we will discuss how companies committed to socially responsible management and to sustainable development can help address this dilemma.

From 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Lunch and networking

From 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Thematic panel 9

Dialogue and partnerships between affected publics and business: foundations for a good corporate governance
In this Panel we will debate the fundamental aspects of good corporate governance in the interconnection with the range of stakeholders affected by a company. Dialogue, partnership and cooperation, from this point of view, can be seen as the decisive tools for good governance, founded upon ethics, accountability and respect for the interests of the range of stakeholders interacting with the business, in order to create value for all: shareholders, investors and society

Thematic panel 10

Challenges of cooperation for sustainable development: the role of government, companies and society
One of the major challenges facing the growth of the corporate social responsibility movement in building a better world for all lies in the coordinated action between the three sectors of society. In this Panel we analyze strategies to promote joint efforts between all social players, in an integrated view leading to the development of leadership, the strengthening of networks and to full integration with public policies.

Workshop 3

Dialogue and partnerships with stakeholders
This Workshop aims to spur dialogue and effective partnerships with all stakeholders, and prepare the groundwork for a process meeting the specific demands and based on a shared understanding of the concept of dialogue.
Coordinator: Beat Grüninger, B&SD Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social

Workshop 4

The Kyoto Protocol, the carbon market and sustainability
What are the impacts of climate change and of the introduction of the Kyoto Protocol for companies and society? What is the carbon market? In this Workshop we will briefly look back on international negotiations on climate change and the position of Brazil in the process. We will discuss the role of civil society and the importance and nature of the carbon market. Additionally we will present and debate projects to reduce the impact of the greenhouse effect that have been introduced in Brazil; and the risks and opportunities facing the financial sector.
Coordinator: Marcelo Theoto Rocha, Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics (CEPEA), Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (ESALQ), University of São Paulo (USP)

From 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Coffee break and networking

From 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Thematic panel 11
The economic value of biodiversity for a sustainable society
In this Panel we discuss how the economic value of biodiversity can evolve from a conceptual vision to an effective market practice

Thematic panel 12
Brazilian Goals of the Millennium: which Brazil do we want?
What are the Brazilian Sustainability Goals that we wish to achieve by 2015? What goals and indicators do we wish to add to the Eight Millennium Goals established by the UN? How can companies help achieve those goals?

Workshop 3

Dialogue and partnership management with stakeholders (continued)

Workshop 4

The Kyoto Protocol, the carbon market and sustainability (continued)


Content coordination: Giovanni Barontini and Fábrica Éthica Brasil - Consultoria em Sustentabilidade Ltda. team

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