
June 9, 2005

From 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Plenary 2
Visions and partnerships practices of the Instituto Ethos for a sustainable society
In this Plenary Session we will look back upon the major aspects that have helped advance the movement in Brazil and debate the dilemmas, challenges and opportunities to expand networks and partnerships and deepen the practices of corporate social responsibility, and how these practices contribute towards sustainability

From 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Coffee break and networking

From 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM
Roundtable 2
Partnerships development for natural resources management
The management of natural resources needs to rest upon the development of an efficient network of partnerships to promote dialogue and take into consideration the wishes of all stakeholders. In this Round Table we will debate the case of the Nascentes do Xingu (headwaters of the Xingu River), which points the way forward on a promising path where companies and civil society organizations managed to build a consistent partnership favoring environmental sustainability. How far can this model be re-applied to other situations? What is the learning process, how can challenges be faced, how does one attract partners and coordinate among them to seek solutions that benefit all those involved?

From 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM
Lunch and networking

From 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Thematic panel 5
Partnerships for combating slave labor
It is unacceptable that there should still be corporate segments in the twenty-first century exploiting slave labor. In this Panel we present views on the Brazilian and international situation and discuss Brazilian initiatives to build a pact to combat slave labor.

Thematic panel 6
Challenges to establishing new standards for sustainable consumption
The sustainability of the planet requires deep changes in attitudes and in consumption behaviors. In this Panel we will discuss the challenges, dilemmas and initiatives to establishing a sustainable pattern of consumption.

Panel Brazil 2
Strategic Management and Marketing and Communications Management
What dilemmas do firms face in the strategic implementation of social responsibility for sustainable development? How can marketing and communication help disseminate the organization’s values to all audiences impacted by its activities, and deeply root those values in them? These issues, and other that are so much a part of day to day activities of companies committed to socially responsible management, will be put forward and debated in this Panel, as a means of helping participants overcome these challenges in their own organizations.
Coordinators: Gilberto Galan, Galan & Associados Responsabilidade Social e Comunicação and Homero Santos, Fractalis Renovação Empresarial

Workshop 2
First steps to business social responsibility
The Workshop aims to address some of the major challenges faced by those who want to introduce Corporate Social Responsibility management, so that the ethics of partnership and the values of solidarity prevail in companies’ practices. The participants will take part in simulated dialogue between companies and their stakeholders in a dynamic and relaxed environment.
Coordinator: Cláudio Boechat, Fundação Dom Cabral

From 5:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Coffee break and networking

From 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Thematic panel 7
Cooperation and partnerships in fighting corruption
In this Panel we will highlight the shared nature of responsibility for the fight against corruption, the success of which largely depends on our ability to channel common efforts to promote synergy between the stakeholders, through partnership and cooperation among companies, government authorities and social agents.

Thematic panel 8
Cooperation between socially responsible companies and solidary economy initiatives
The social and economic scope of these partnerships and the real chances of scalability in regard to these practices will be analyzed and debated through the sharing of experiences in corporate cooperation in the field of the solidary economy.

Panel Brazil 3
Social responsibility management in the business chain: suppliers and clients
The promotion of social responsibility in the business chain means setting up value relationships with suppliers and customers. It may look easy but they are two strategic sectors in the success and sustainability of business, and companies face countless challenges in dealing with them. The aim of this Panel is to understand, debate and reflect collectively upon the array of issues involving the long-term creation of these relationships.
Coordinator: Sérgio A. P. Esteves, AMCE Negócios Sustentáveis Ltda.

Workshop 2
First steps to business social responsibility (continued)

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