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Drums that transform

Teenagers from Escola Olodum enlighten the Ethos Journalism Award ceremony

Photo: Marco Carvalho
Oludum mirim é atração no Prêmio Ethos
Oludum mirim é atração no Prêmio Ethos
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Created 22 years ago by the afro-descendant Olodum group, the Escola Olodum works with children and teenagers at Pelourinho, in Salvador (state of Bahia), in the Rufar dos Tambores (Drums’ Beat) project. This work helps children to acknowledge their ethnic origin while providing civic and intellectual education. The project offers several courses including computing, musical instruments manufacturing and dancing as well as classes on politics, environmental education and afro-descendant culture.

The Escola Olodum was the cultural attraction of the 2007 Ethos Journalism Award ceremony that took place during the International Conference. The school, whose presentation thrilled the audience, was invited by Petrobras, a company that has worked with the group for two years.

Having worked at Escola Olodum for ten years, Mara Felipe, the group’s coordinator in partnership with Cristina Calacio, is delighted to say “everything sounds wonderful when the drums beat”. However, she makes it very clear to the participants that the Escola Olodum is an opportunity for social change and they will not be percussionists forever. “Around 5 thousand adolescents have already taken part in the project, but only a few have become famous percussionists”, Mara said.

One example of the enchantment and beauty of the work presented by the Olodum kids is the participation of the five-year-old Malcolm Gentil, Mara’s son. Tenderly called by his mother “Gentileza” (kindness, in Portuguese), the boy is a competent repinique player in the band.

The Escola Olodum has currently 300 children and adolescents, and its first CD is coming out in October 2007.

Fonte: Instituto Ethos

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