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Management Workshop – Global Reporting Initiative

Mônica Nascimento

The second Management Workshop carried out during the 2006 International Conference aimed to explain the main changes in the 3rd Generation of the GRI Sustainability Report model, as well as the challenges and opportunities in reporting pursuant to this model.

Before getting started and hearing Ernst Ligteringen, chief executive of the GRI, some companies coordinating the workshop expressed their difficulties in reporting according to the standard set by the GRI. Cid Alledi, of NGO Transparency Brazil, said that, from the financial point of view, the company can choose not to disclose all its figures, “but in terms of sustainability, from the ethical point of view, there shouldn’t be exceptions: transparency should be complete.”

Roberto Gonzales, of the Association of the Investment Analysts and Professionals of Capital Market (Apimec), also advocated the secrecy of some data as strategic information, and pointed out some difficulties faced by small and medium-sized companies in implementing the GRI model. Vivian Smith, of consultancy firm ERM, presented her view from the perspective of environmental issues, and stressed that the report should not be seen by companies as the only way to communicate. In her opinion, the information contained in the report should be adjusted to each stakeholder.

Getting started, Ligteringen commented the contributions by saying that “the GRI is a aggregating factor, generating a common framework for the various stakeholders of the company.” He also said that one of the novelties of the third generation of the GRI is the inclusion of strategies, opportunities and risks analysis, specifically aimed at investors. This stakeholder recognizes the importance of sustainability reports, but seeks consolidated information, without too much technical detail.

With a very dynamic proposal, the workshop suggested that the participants identify the opportunities and benefits of developing a GRI report and, then, list the main difficulties and the motivating factors for organizations in this context. The activity, carried out in groups, was coordinated by a facilitator.

In Gonzales’ opinion, “everyone will leave with a practical view – besides the concepts and thoughts provided by the other activities of the Conference – to report their sustainability projects with methodology and transparency.” This is also the feeling of Carolina Goulart, of ALL América Latina Logística, who already makes reports, and came to the workshop to deepen her knowledge of the GRI model. “With the perception of opportunities, difficulties and motivations, I realize there is a stronger possibility of pursuing stakeholder engagement to build a model of transparency and reliability acknowledged by the market,” she said.

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