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Logo Hotel transamérica

Hotel Transamérica São Paulo is the official hotel of the International Conference 2007 – Business and Social Responsibility. For participants who require accommodation, the hotel has prepared a special package, including breakfast at the restaurant.

Hotel rates
Single room: R$ 266,00 (equivalent to US$ 127.00)
Double room: R$ 296,00 (equivalent to US$ 141.00)
These rates do not include a 5% service tax on the daily rate, neither a tourism fee of R$1,20 (equivalent to US$0.57) per room/day.

Important note: at the Hotel Transamérica São Paulo check in time starts at 2 pm and check out time ends at 12 pm.

Attention: in order to facilitate the departure of participants from other States and countries, we suggest they check-out at lunch time on June 15, Friday.


Logo da Summit
In order to be able to benefit from the special hotel rates, participants must make their bookings through Summit Viagens e Turismo, the conference’s partner travel agent, through the phone (55 11) 6014-3077, Mondays through Fridays, from 9 am to 6 pm, or e-mail: [email protected]. The number of rooms is limited! In addition to taking care of hotel reservations, Summit may also provide other services to participants of the International Conference, such as air tickets, ground transportation, cultural packages, etc

Useful information Taxi rides from the hotel to Sao Paulo’s international airport (Cumbica, Guarulhos) cost approximately R$130,00 (equivalent to US$62.00). Rides to the local airport (Congonhas) cost around R$50,00 (equivalent to US$24.00).

Address and location
Hotel Transamérica São Paulo
Av. das Nações Unidas, 18.591
São Paulo, SP
Tel.: (11) 5693-4511
Fax.: (11) 5693-4990

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