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Program Summary

June 12, 2007 – Tuesday
12 pm – Delivery of credentials and material - Meeting rooms São Paulo I and II
3 to 6 pm – Debate RSE na mídia - Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III
logo Rede Ethos de Jornalistas
6 to 7 pm - Cocktail
7 to 9 pm - Multicultural event - Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and II
9 to 10 pm – Opening plenary session - Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and II

June 13, 2007 - Wednesday
8 to 9 am – Delivery of credentials and material - Meeting rooms São Paulo I and II
9 to 11 am – Plenary Session 1 - Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III
11 to 11.30 am – Coffee-break
11.30 am to 1.30 pm – Roundtable 1 - Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III
1.30 to 3 pm - Lunch
3 to 5 pm – Roundtable 2 - Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III
5 to 5.30 pm – Coffee-break
5.30 to 7.30 pm – Roundtable 3 - Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III
7.30 to 8.00 pm - Coffee-break

logo Instituto Vivendo Valores
8.00 to 10 pm – Speech on human values and launching of book - Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III
8.00 to 10 pm - Multicultural event - Meeting rooms São Paulo I and II
June 14, 2007 - Thursday
9 am to 12 pm – Plenary Session 2 - Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III
12 to 1.30 pm - Lunch
1.30 to 3.30 pm
Theme Panel 1 – Meeting rooms São Paulo I and II
Theme Panel 2 – Meeting room Comandatuba III
Workshop 1 (Part 1) – Meeting rooms Comandatuba I and I
3.30 to 4 pm – Coffee-break
4 to 6 pm
Theme Panel 3 - Meeting rooms São Paulo I and II
Theme Panel 4 - Meeting room Comandatuba III
Workshop 1 (Continuation) - Meeting rooms Comandatuba I and II
Prêmio Ethos de Jornalismo, 7ª edição
6 to 7 pm - Cocktail
7 to 9 pm – Award Ceremony
9 to 10 pm – Cultural event

June 15, 2007 - Friday
9 to 11 am- Plenary Session 3 (Part 1) – Meeting room Comandatuba
Workshop 2 (Part 1) – Meeting room Comandatuba II
Theme Panel 5 – Meeting room Comandatuba III
Theme Panel 6 – Meeting room São Paulo I and II
11 to 11.30 am – Coffee-break
11.30 am to 1.30 pm - Plenary Session 3 (Continuation) - Meeting room Comandatuba I
Workshop 2 (Continuation) - Meeting room Comandatuba II
Theme Panel 7 - Meeting room Comandatuba III
Theme Panel 8 - Meeting rooms São Paulo I and II
1.30 to 3 pm - Lunch
3 to 6 pm
Workshop 3 - Meeting room Comandatuba I
Workshop 4 - Meeting room Comandatuba II
Workshop 5 - Meeting room Comandatuba III


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