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Multinational companies should practice CSR in their affiliates

Being socially responsible only in rich countries is not enough

Photo: Claudia Perroni
Grajew: multis precisam publicar balanços aqui
Grajew: multis precisam publicar balanços aqui
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"In Brazil, the multinationals’ affiliates don’t disclose even their financial-economic reports. It’d be some progress if they did", stated Oded Grajew, chairman of the Board of Instituto Ethos, during the debate on corporate social responsibility in the five continents. According to him, of the world’s 100 largest economic entities, 51 are now corporations and 49 are countries.
In Grajew’s opinion, multinational companies must disclose their economic, social and environmental reports not only in their home countries – usually European or North American ones – but also in their affiliates, spread all over the world, who often do not adopt the same socially responsible practices of their parent companies. He even suggested that a conference could be held to present reports of parent companies and affiliates in all countries they operate.
According to Manuel Escudero, head of networks of UN Global Compact, the only possible alternative for these companies have a positive impact on humanity is to make them, voluntarily, place a meaning on their activities. Escudero believes that geopolitical and cultural differences among the five continents may improve the Global Compact.
Fonte: Instituto Ethos

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