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Winners of the 7th Ethos Journalism Award

Radio, press media, TV, and digital media bring the sustainability agenda to the mainstream audience

Photo: Marco Carvalho
Prêmio estimula jornalistas
Prêmio estimula jornalistas
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In a ceremony held this Thursday evening at Teatro Alfa, Transamérica Hotel, the six winners of the 7th Ethos Journalism Award were announced.

In the press media – newspaper category, the winning article was “Capital de Risco para Empresas Sustentáveis” by journalist Andrea Vialli of O Estado de S. Paulo newspaper.

In the press media – magazine category, the award was granted to the article “Sua Empresa É Verde?” by journalists Cynthia Rosenburg and Eduardo Ferraz of Época Negócios magazine, from São Paulo.

In the electronic media – TV category, the winning piece was “Compras Públicas Governamentais” by André Trigueiro of Globo News, from Rio de Janeiro.

In the digital media (Internet) category, the journalist Davi Molinari was awarded for his article “Empresa Desenvolve Equipamento Que Evita Poluição de Lâmpada Fluorescente; Mercado Depende da Difusão da Idéia de Reciclar”, published on the website Inovação Unicamp, from Campinas – SP.

The electronic media – radio category’s winning piece was “Crime e Responsabilidade na Era da Pedra-Sabão” by journalist Luciana Marinho of Rádio CBN, from São Paulo.

For the Special Award, the journalists of the Ethos Journalists Network elected the article “Novos Negócios do Clima” by Alexsandro Vanin, published by the Empreendedor magazine, from Florianópolis – SC.

Fonte: Instituto Ethos

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