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Reviewing values to save the climate

Companies should change their production and consuming patterns and be more careful with the carbon offset projects

Photo: Marco Carvalho
Neutralizações fajutas comprometem futuro
Neutralizações fajutas comprometem futuro
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A review in the human values and change in production and consuming standards were the main points raised by the theme panel “Climate changes: ways to face this dilemma – companies, public power and consumers”, held at the Instituto Ethos’ 2007 Conference.

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Many brands, one reputation

Photo: Marco Carvalho
Alyne: público qualificado
Alyne: público qualificado

The president of Instituto Ethos, Ricardo Young, believes the companies will play a key civilizing role in the new development models necessary for the construction of a sustainable society. Even if companies have not realized it, they are being prepared in events like the Instituto Ethos’ 2007 Conference to take on new responsibilities.

Discrimination is wasteful and makes a loss

Photo: Claudia Perroni
Só combater a discriminação não é suficiente
Só combater a discriminação não é suficiente

Any type of discrimination, besides violating human rights and the Federal Constitution, is wasteful for the private sector. This is the opinion of Laís Abramo, director of the International Labor Organization Office in Brazil, one of the debaters at the Instituto Ethos’ 2007 Conference theme panel "Encouragement of diversity and equity in the labor market".

Preservation of water resources demands participation and transparency

Photo: Claudia Perroni
Acabar com a cultura do desperdício
Acabar com a cultura do desperdício

In the theme panel "Challenges for the sustainable use of water", held at the Instituto Ethos’ 2007 Conference, Antônio Félix Domingues, Soil & Water Conservation Superintendent at the Agência Nacional de Águas – ANA (National Water Agency), considered the implementation of a charge for the use of water, following the approval of the Water Code (Act no. 9433) in 1997, as the main advance occurred in Brazil towards sustainable management of this natural resource.

Pact against forced labor will separate the wheat from the chaff

Photo: Claudia Perroni
Miriam: vergonha para o Brasil
Miriam: vergonha para o Brasil

The National Pact for the Elimination of Forced Labor, which celebrated its second anniversary this May 19th, was the topic of the theme panel "Policies to fight forced labor: challenges for their implementation".

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Internacional Conference 2007 - Business and Social Responsibility

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