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June 12, 2007, Tuesday

Starting at 2 pm
Meeting rooms São Paulo I and II

3 to 6 pm
Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III

logo Rede Ethos de Jornalistas

Corporate social responsibility in the communication’s media: topics and business management
The analytical work of journalists and the engagement of communication companies have fundamental importance for the advance of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. In this debate, we will discuss dilemmas, with special attention to global warming, and how communication’s media contribute for the formation of a new awareness in society on this theme, as well as the necessary changes to allow that sustainability becomes a commitment in journalistic topics and in the management of a communication’s company.

Carlos Eduardo Lins da Silva, director of Patri Relações Governamentais & Políticas Públicas

Albert Alcouloumbre Junior, director of planning and social projects of Central Globo de Comunicação at TV Globo;
Antonio Manuel Teixeira Mendes
, director superintendent of Grupo Folha;
Caco de Paula
, director of the Tourism Center of Editora Abril;
Ricardo Gandour
, Content director of the Grupo Estado;
Paulo Itacarambi
, executive director of Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social;
Ricardo Young
, president of Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social
(Open activity)

6 to 7 pm

7 to 8 pm

Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III
The planet’s climate condition through the eyes of a traveler
Amyr Klink, navigator

8 to 10 pm
Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III

Global trends, dilemmas and advances of sustainable development in the world

This plenary session aims to present global trends on the perspectives and challenges that will mobilize societies’ efforts in the coming years, in their fights to end extreme poverty, promote justice and dignity for everyone.

Gianna Sagazio, coordinator of the Private Sector Area and the Global Compact at UNDP, Brazil; Helio Mattar, director president of Instituto Akatu pelo Consumo Consciente; Manuel Escudero, head of networks of UN Global Compact; Oded Grajew, chairman of the Board of Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social; Ricardo Young, president of Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social.

Jodie Thorpe, manager of SustainAbility’s Emerging Economies Programme.

Aron Cramer, president and CEO of BSR - Business for Social Responsibility.

Alice Tepper Marlin, president and CEO of Social Accountability International (SAI); Ernst Ligteringen, chief executive of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI); John Elkington, founder and chief-entrepreneur of SustainAbility; Simon Zadek, chief executive of AccountAbility; Ricardo Young, president of Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social.

(Open activities)

June 13, 2007, Wednesday

8 to 9 am
Meeting rooms São Paulo I and II

9 to 11 am

Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III

Economic agenda for sustainability

In this plenary session, we will discuss an economic agenda that includes social and environmental aspects and determines the bases for sustainable development, promotes income distribution, creates jobs, broadens Brazil’s competitiveness, without degrading its natural resources. The main issues regarding sustainable development discussed in this session will be deepened in Roundtables 1, 2 and 3.

Luiz Gonzaga de Mello Belluzzo, full professor at Unicamp and Facamp and editorial consultant of CartaCapital magazine.

Julio Moura
, president and CEO of the GrupoNueva and vice president of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development; Sérgio Abranches, commentator of the bulletin Ecopolítica of CBN radio station; Simon Zadek, chief executive of AccountAbility.

11 to 11.30 am

11.30 am to 1.30 pm
Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III

Companies’ commitments to Amazon’s sustainable development.

In this activity, we will face dilemmas regarding Amazon’s sustainable development, searching for the building of commitments related to the following objectives:
a) To build a public and market environment favorable to the development of sustainable businesses in the Amazon;
b) To influence the development of Public Policies to support sustainable development in the Amazon;
c) To promote changes in the behavior of companies that have activities in the Amazon;
d) To influence behavioral changes in companies that impact economic activities that take place in the Amazon;
e) To create articulation and support mechanisms for the experiences concerning sustainable development in the Amazon.

Adalberto Veríssimo, founder of Imazon.

Adriana Ramos, coordinator of the Instituto Socioambiental (ISA); André Fernando Baniwa; vice president of the Federação de Organizações Indígenas do Rio Negro (Foirn); Franklin Feder, president of Alcoa Latin America; João Paulo Capobianco, executive secretary of Ministério do Meio Ambiente.

1.30 to 3 pm
Reading area

Pre-launching of the book Os desafios da sustentabilidade: uma ruptura urgente, Editora Campus Elsevier, 2007, Fernando Almeida, executive president of CEBDS

The author tackles sustainability challenges, a dramatic dilemma that affects all of us, in three main blocks. In the first, status of environmental services, reasons for urgency and behavior of natural systems. In the next, how to implement changes through structured rupture, as a way to deviate our future from the social and environmental tragedy route. And, in the last one, shows who will operate changes, showing the formation of sustainability leaders.

The book also brings concrete case studies from market leaders (3M, Alcoa, Amanco, Ambev, BP, Bradesco, CST-Acelor Brasil, Dupont, GE, Holcim, Itaú, Michelin, Plantar and Philips) and from NGOs that are already on the path of change, and presents to readers the points of view of four personalities in this context: Fábio C. Barbosa, Alain J. Belda, Chad Holliday and Björn Stigson.

Having the concern to demonstrate the need for involvement of the main sectors of society, so that sustainable development may be implemented, the book’s preface was written by Marina Silva, Brazil’s Minister of the Environment; by the business leader José Armando de Figueiredo Campos; and by the president of The World Resources Institute, Jonathan Lash.

3 to 5 pm
Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III

Social and environmental commitments in agriculture

Agriculture is a source of sustainability in society. However, the way through which agriculture has been structuring itself as an economic activity creates a situation that puts a strong pressure on our natural wealth and society. In this roundtable, we will debate how to strengthen agriculture’s development, minimizing social unbalance and the destruction of natural resources, with emphasis on the negotiations that involve the agricultural sector after the Doha round.

Decio Zylbersztajn, full professor at Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo; founder of PENSA – Programa dos Estudos dos Negócios do Sistema Agroindustrial.

Claudio Valladares Padua, member of the Iniciativa Brasileira de Verificação da Atividade Agropecuária; Fábio Trigueirinho, general secretary of ABIOVE – Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Óleos Vegetais; Jason Clay, vice president of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF); John Elkington, founder and chief-entrepreneur of SustainAbility.

5 to 5.30 pm

5.30 to 7.30 pm
Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III

Energetic matrix for sustainable development

The production of clean and renewable energy is vital in the sustainable development debate. However, there are distinct views on the most adequate way, in order to reach this goal. In this session, we will debate these different views, and try to identify risks and opportunities, as well as the most urgent strategies and commitments to be implemented in the corporate social responsible movement.

José Goldemberg, member of the Board of Instituto de Eletrotécnica e Energia, Universidade de São Paulo.

Luiz Pinguelli Rosa, coordinator of the Energetic Planning Program of COPPE and executive secretary of the Fórum Brasileiro de Mudanças Climáticas; Marcelo Furtado, director of campaigns at Greenpeace in Brazil; Mozart Schmitt de Queiroz, manager of energetic development of Petrobrás.

7.30 to 8.00 pm

8 to 10 pm
Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III

logo Instituto Vivendo Valores

In this speech, Ken O’Donnell will talk about the practice of human values as an essential factor for the success of organizations that know human beings are the key to any change process. Following, the partnership between Ethos Institute and Living Values Institute will be celebrated. This initiative seeks the development of training programs for valuing human beings in companies.
After the presentations, Ken O’Donnell will launch the book Human values at work – from wall to practice, which will be on sale at the Reading Space at the conference.

Speakers: Ken O’Donnell, chairman of the Board of Instituto Vivendo Valores (IVV); Ricardo Young, president of Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social.


Parallel Activity
Meeting rooms São Paulo I and II
Sustainability and power in the companies: an experience to share, from Dom Cabral Foundation
Since 2004, Dom Cabral Foundation has created, in its Andrade Gutierrez Center for Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility, the Reference Center on Responsible Management for Sustainability, with the mission to promote local practices, internationally articulated, regarding business management and sustainability themes. The Center has been investigating the interference of the movement for sustainable development in the main organizational occupations related to power in the companies: education of leaders for sustainability, corporate governance and strategic planning.

In this activity participants will have access to the stories and results of the studies, through the exhibition of cases and practical interaction with the group.

At present, the Reference Center on Responsible Management for Sustainability is formed by the following companies: Andrade Gutierrez, Anglogold Ashanti, Belgo – Arcelor, CST – Arcelor, Banco Itaú, Banco Real ABN AMRO, Philips, Sadia and Souza Cruz.

Paulo Darien, associate researcher of Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC), Raimundo Soares, professor and associate researcher of Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC);  Roberta Paro associate researcher of Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC).

June 14, 2007, Thursday

9 am to 12 pm
Meeting rooms Comandatuba I, II and III

Business initiatives for the construction of a sustainable and just society

In addition to deepening reflection on challenges and opportunities for the implementation of sustainable development in Brazil, in this session we will present some initiatives taken by Ethos Institute and its partners, such as: the Referential Group of Sustainable Companies, an initiative that aims to promote cooperation among a group of companies, so as to implement sustainable processes in business management; the Forum of Sustainable Amazon; the Latin American Program of Corporate Social Responsibility, and other actions in progress.

Helio Mattar, president of Instituto Akatu pelo Consumo Consciente; Oded Grajew, chairman of the Board of Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social; Paulo Itacarambi, executive director of Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social; Ricardo Young, president of Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social.

12 to 1.30 pm

1.30 to 3.30 pm
Meeting rooms São Paulo I and II

How to implement integrity policies against corruption
As of experiences and progress obtained through the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption, we will present implementation strategies, through which companies may define policies, establish measuring mechanisms, structure monitoring and reporting processes, aiming to give transparency to their commitments of doing business and relating to public powers with ethics, respecting society’s interests and well-being.

Ricardo Young, president of Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social.

José Tadeu de Moraes, vice president of the Business Citizenship Council of Fiemg; Margareth Florez, director of Transparencia por Colombia; Valerie Weinzierl, associate director of Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) – World Economic Forum.

Meeting room Comandatuba III

Challenges for the construction of sustainable cities

In this panel, we will debate experiences of governments, companies and civil society organizations concerning the construction of a sustainable city.

Oded Grajew, chairman of the Board of Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social.

Carlos Córdoba, coordinator of the Project Bogota Cómo Vamos; Eduardo Jorge Martins Alves Sobrinho, secretary of Verde and Meio Ambiente of the Prefeitura de São Paulo.

Meeting rooms I and II

Education for conscious consumption: the company’s contribution to encourage change in people’s behavior in favor of sustainability (Part 1)

The construction of a sustainable society requires reflection and creation of awareness in people towards a revision of their values and attitudes related to their pattern of consumption of products and services. Such process generates behavior changes in these people in all dimensions of their routine, including their own work.
Akatu Institute for Conscious Consumption has been sensitizing and mobilizing individuals, so that they realize the power contained in their consumption actions and adopt simple measures, in their routine, capable of contributing significantly for sustainability. In this same path, the environmental organization WWF divulged ways through which individuals may “make a difference” by taking measures to reduce carbon emissions, joining efforts for the incorporation of sustainable habits.
In this context, this workshop will seek to deepen the educational perspective of companies in favor of changes in people’s behavior towards sustainability. Experiences accumulated by Akatu Institute and UniEthos will be useful as examples in this direction.
The workshop will be based on existing initiatives in companies, compatible with conscious consumption – in environmental programs, reduction of waste, economy of resources – seeking to identify possibilities to deepen these initiatives through education and creation of awareness in individuals in favor of sustainability.

Helio Mattar, director president of Instituto Akatu pelo Consumo Consciente.


3.30 to 4 pm – Coffee-break and networking

4 to 6 pm
Meeting room Comandatuba III

Corporate social responsibility in the Americas: developments of the Forum Empresa-BID Project

The project’s main objective is to include corporate social responsibility in companies’ strategies, encouraging them to strengthen their value chain through the creation of methodologies, as well as training, education and learning programs that allow organizations to achieve their mission in a responsible and sustainable way.

In this panel, the four countries involved in this initiative – Brazil, Peru, El Salvador and Chile – will debate the methodology application in each country, the adjustments suggested at the end of the process, and how this initiative will be conducted throughout the American continent. The project was developed by all Forum Empresa member organizations and applied by four of them: Acción RSE from Chile, Fundemás from El Salvador, Ethos Institute from Brazil and Perú 2021 from Peru.

Pablo Miguel Frederick Santibáñez, executive director of the Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility Project at Forum Empresa.

Henri le Bienvenu, executive director of Perú 2021; Hugo Vergara, executive director of Forum Empresa; João Gilberto dos Santos, International Relations Manager of Instituto Ethos; León Guzmán Gatica, general manager of Acción RSE; Rhina Reyes, executive director of FUNDEMAS.


Meeting rooms São Paulo I and II

How cultural activities contribute for sustainable development
Diverse ways of artistic and cultural expression contribute significantly for the formation of a nation, disseminating values, behaviors, actions. In this panel, we will discuss culture as an important change agent for the construction of a sustainable and just society for everyone. We will invite professionals from different areas, such as photography, cinema, theater, among other areas, who already adopt this approach in their works, in order to encourage the development of similar initiatives.

Danilo Santos de Miranda, director of the regional department of Serviço Social do Comércio do Estado de São Paulo (SESCSP).

Domingos Barreto Tukano, resident of the Federação das Organizações Indígenas do Negro (FOIRN); Kaka Wera, director of Instituto Arapoty; Rubens Gomes, general director and founder of the Oficina de Lutheria da Amazônia –OELA.

Meeting rooms Comandatuba I and II

Education for conscious consumption: the company’s contribution to encourage change in people’s behavior in favor of sustainability (Continuation)

Prêmio Ethos de Jornalismo, 7ª edição

Teatro Alfa

6 to 7 pm

7 to 9 pm
Introduction of finalists and winners awarding.

9 to 10 pm
- Cultural EVENT
(Open activities))

June 15, 2007, Friday

9 to 11 am
Meeting room Comandatuba II

Advances of corporate social responsibility in the five continents (Part 1)

The plenary session will discuss the dilemmas faced on the implementation of the Global Compact Principles in the five continents. The debate will focus on the difference of approach of the ten principles by the matrixes of participating companies, in comparison to their local offices, of the potential use of these principles as non-tariff barriers, and other implementation dilemmas faced in several regions of the world, as well as among these regions.

Manuel Escudero, head of Networks of UN Global Compact.

Aron Cramer, president and CEO of BSR - Business for Social Responsibility; Linda Funnell-Milner, national director of sustainability & reporting of Energetics.


Meeting room Comandatuba I

How to implement corporate social responsibility in the value chain (Part 1)

This workshop aims to share learning experiences and methodologies developed in Program Tear – Weaving Sustainable Networks, so that companies may implement the Program in their value chains. The program is a partnership between Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and its main objective is to disseminate knowledge on the concept of social responsibility and to broaden market opportunities of Small and Medium-Sized Companies. Today, Program Tear has been working on the value chain of strategic companies in seven sectors of the economy: oil and gas, electricity, retail, civil construction, mining, steel and sugar and alcohol industry.

Beat Grüninger, partner manager of BSD - Business and Social Development Brazil; Carla Stoicov, methodology coordinator of  Programa Tear; Patrícia de Caires Sogayar, general coordinator of Programa Tear.

Meeting room Comandatuba III

Climate changes: ways to face this dilemma – companies, public power and consumers

Climate changes and global warming are a reality, whose negative impacts reflect throughout the world. In this panel, we will discuss how companies, public power and consumers may face these challenges together for the construction of a sustainable planet, through the debate of issues, such as the effectiveness of carbon zero policies; how new technologies may develop solutions to allow us to revert global warming, and the role of consumers in this process.

Fábio Feldmann, environmentalist and executive secretary of the Sao Paulo Forum on Climate Change.

Gilvan Sampaio, meteorologist at Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos (CPTEC) - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais – INPE and current president of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP); Claude Ouimet, vice president and general manager of InterfaceFLOR Commercial for Canada and Latin America; Giovanni Barontini, partner of Fábrica Ethica Brasil – Consultoria em Sustentabilidade; Jacques Marcovicth, professor of Corporate Strategy and International Relations of the Universidade de São Paulo.

Meeting rooms São Paulo I and II

Policies to fight forced labor: challenges for their implementation

The National Pact for the Eradication of Forced Labor was launched on May 19, 2005. This initiative was conducted by Ethos Institute, in conjunction with the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the NGO Reporter Brazil. In this panel we will evaluate the work of these past two years, present the progress achieved in this period, and debate ways for the implementation of these policies, in order to allow their amplification and adoption by different sectors of society.

Caio Magri, manager of Partnerships for Change of Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social.

Claudia Brito, technical director of Instituto Carvão Cidadão; Patrícia Audi, coordinator of the Project for Eradicating Forced Labor at the International Labor Organization in Brazil.

Miriam Leitão, columnist of O Globo, commentator of CBN radio station, Bom Dia Brasil and GloboNews.

11 to 11.30 am

11.30 to 1.30
Meeting room Comandatuba II

Advances of corporate social responsibility in the five continents (Continuation)

Manuel Escudero, head of Networks of UN Global Compact.

Aron Cramer, president and CEO of BSR - Business for Social Responsibility; Daisy Vakarathiwe Kambalame, country manager of the African Institute of Corporate Citizenship – AICC (Malawi); George Mathew, founder director of the Institute of Social Sciences in New Delhi; Linda Funnell-Milner, national director of sustainability & reporting of Energetics; Oded Grajew, member of the UN Global Compact Board

Meeting room Comandatuba I

How to implement corporate social responsibility in the value chain (Continuation)

Meeting room Comandatuba III

Challenges for the sustainable use of water

Reuse techniques, productive processes to eliminate waste; conscious consumption, new solutions for water treatment are some alternatives already available, which allow a more sustainable use of water. However, it is necessary to move a step further and develop new technologies that allow a better use of water as a productive commodity, as well as promote an ample awareness process in society for a balanced use of this vital and limited resource. These and other issues that affect all of us will be debated in this panel.

Marussia Whately, coordinator of the Watersheds of Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) do Programa do Instituto Socioambiental (ISA).

Antonio Felix Domingues, agencies’ coordinator of ANA – Agência Nacional das Águas;Edilson de Paula Andrade, executive secretary of the Comitê das Bacias Hidrográficas do Rio Paraíba do Sul (CBH-PS); Ivanildo Hespanhol, full professor at the Department of Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineering of Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo; Marco Simões, director of comunication at Coca Cola and director superintendent of Coca Cola Instittute/Brasil; Marcos Helano Fernandes Montenegro, director of development and technical cooperation  of the Ministério das Cidades; Mario César Mantovani, director of mobilization of Fundação SOS Mata Atlântica.

Meeting rooms São Paulo I and II

Encouragement of diversity and equity in the labor market

The construction of a sustainable society requires the acknowledgment of diversity and encouragement of equity among different people. An important strategy to achieve this goal is to encourage diversity and equity in the labor market, assigning to companies the role of inductors of this process. Here we will deepen reflection and discuss mechanisms to change this reality.

Reinaldo Bulgarelli, partner director of Txai Consultoria em Sustentabilidade e Responsabilidade Social.

Laís Abramo, director of the International Labor Organization Office in Brazil; Magnus Ribas Apostólico, superintendent of Labor Relations at Federação Nacional dos Bancos (Febraban); Maria Aparecida Silva Bento, executive director of the Centro de Estudos das Relações de Trabalho e Desigualdades (CEERT); Nilcéa Freire, minister of the Secretaria Especial de Políticas para as Mulheres; Paulo Itacarambi, executive director of Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social.

1.30 to 3 pm

3 to 6 pm

Meeting room Comandatuba I

Building sustainable business relationships

In this workshop, we will offer guidelines on methodology and tools for the construction of sustainable business relationships in productive chains between big, medium and small-sized companies and organizations that promote solidary economy.

Cláudio Bruzzi Boechat, professor, researcher and projects manager at Núcleo Andrade Gutierrez de Sustentabilidade e Responsabilidade Corporativa, da Fundação Dom Cabral.

Meeting room Comandatuba II

Essential criteria for sustainable development

CEssential Criteria for Corporate Social Responsibility and their Induction Mechanisms in Brazil are collected in a publication launched in 2006 by Ethos Institute. The Essential Criteria are a minimum consensus as to the present social and environmental demands the main actors of society and market are formulating for companies, through the most diverse ways – guidelines, indicators, reporting models, evaluation and registration questionnaires –which are also sources of these criteria. In this workshop, in an organized and interactive way, we will offer guidelines for use of the essential criteria in business management.

Paulo Durval Branco, partner director of Ekobé Sustentabilidade e Responsabilidade Corporativa.

Meeting room Comandatuba III

Global Reporting Initiative (G3)

In this workshop, participants will have the opportunity to know about the main changes and improvements introduced in the Guidelines for Sustainability Reporting – GRI and to interact with the Work Group, of which Ethos Institute of Business and Social Responsibility is the leader. Ethos is coordinating a collective learning process in Brazil in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Business Communication (ABERJE) and the Center for Sustainability Studies at the Business School of Sao Paulo – Fundação Getulio Vargas (GVCes).

Beat Grüninger, partner manager of BSD - Business and Social Development Brazil and
Sonia Loureiro, consultant and professor at Fundação Getúlio Vargas - Principles and Practices of Social Responsibility in Companies course.

Attention: this year, activities will end at 6 pm on Friday, June 15.


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