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Executive President of CEBDS advocates “revolution” for change

Fernando Almeida believes in the need of rupture for the construction of new companies’ models

Photo: Claudia Perroni
Fernando Almeida: ruptura planejada
Fernando Almeida: ruptura planejada
> Extended Photo

During the Instituto Ethos’ 2007 Conference, Fernando Almeida, Executive President of Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CEBDS), pre-launched (*) his new book – Os Desafios da Sustentabilidade – uma Ruptura Urgente (Editora Elsevier, 2007, 280 pages). In this new publication, he shows that only a structured rupture of the current economic system can halt the planet’s destruction. Companies, governments and society are the actors who shall lead the process. Almeida believes it is still possible to revert the situation and save the planet, but he warns we must be quick. He talked with the Ethos team about the book.

Instituto Ethos – What is the book about?

Fernando Almeida – It’s about the perception and realization that the current development patterns and business models won’t lead us to balance. I address the theme in three sections. In the first one, I present undeniable data showing that the social and environmental degradation goes on. I relate the behavior of ecosystems to the corporate behavior. In the second part, I talk about the necessary ruptures, since the degradation process is moving faster than the natural resources recovery. We must admit that the countless good examples we see here are not being able to change the degradation trends. Finally, I advocate a planned rupture, because, if it’s not planned, the rupture will occur as a result of tragedy. We have little time to do that; from one to three decades.

IE – Do you advocate a revolution?

FA – The urgent rupture I defend is a revolutionary one. The search for sustainability is a subversive practice. We need true corporate statesmen that embrace the cause with passion, deep knowledge and determination. We lack a [Mahatma] Gandhi of biodiversity, a [Nelson] Mandela, or a Martin Luther King of sustainability. I don’t offer a cake recipe, the situations are unique, but we need to be fast. I believe that currently sustainability is synonymous with survival, and the agents of change and of rupture are the companies, the government and the civil society.

IE – In you book O Bom Negócio da Sustentabilidade, you defended the implementation of eco-efficiency. Does it still apply?

FA – It’s hard to admit, but the eco-efficiency and the implementation of corporate social responsibility I advocated in 2002, when I launched that book, haven’t been enough to promote the necessary changes. One evidence is that the Human Development Index (HDI) of countries where such concepts have been adopted hasn’t improved. Companies must re-invent themselves. Oil companies are changing into alternative energy companies. DuPont, for instance, re-invented itself three times. At first they made explosives, then they changed to petrochemicals (including the production of fabric and clothing), and now they operate in the so-called life science area (use of science to create products, technologies and services aimed at the promotion of better quality of life).

IE – In your opinion, do we still have time for a planned rupture?

FA – I believe we still have time, but we must be really quick. In case this doesn’t happen, how can we do business without controlling the effects of climate change? Some insurance companies no longer sell insurance against wind. I believe the change is possible, but it has to be carried out soon by corporate statesmen entrusted with the mission of making the world sustainable.
(*) The official launch of the book Os Desafios da Sustentabilidade – uma Ruptura Urgente will take place at Livraria Cultura in the Villa-Lobos Shopping Mall, in São Paulo, at 7:00 pm, on Thursday, June 14th, 2007.  

Fonte: Instituto Ethos

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