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About UNDP - Akatu

The United Nations Development Program central issue is the fight against poverty. In reply to the world leaders commitments to achieve the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs), UNDP adopts an integrated strategy, always respecting each countries specific features for promoting democratic governance, supporting the implementation of public policies and integrated local development, preventing crisis and recuperating devastated countries, encouraging sustainable use of energy and the environment, disseminating information technology and communication towards digital inclusion, fighting against HIV/AIDS. The UNDP is a multilateral institution and a global network present in 166 countries, and is aware that no nation can manage alone the growing agenda of development themes. For the complete presentation visit the web site

On Akatu Institute for Conscious Consumption
Akatu Institute is a non governmental, non profit organization created on March 15, 2001 (International Consumer´s Day), within Ethos Institute, in order to educate and mobilize society around the issue of conscious consumption. The word "Akatu" comes from the "tupi" - indigenous language - and has two meanings "good seed" and "better world", which translates the idea that a better world is related to each individual´s actions. For more information, visit the web site

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