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The internet is quickly expanding, and so is the demand for users´ inclusion. Hence, the need for creating accessible websites.

The Brazilian legislation, through Executive Order no. 5.296/04, provides for the importance of allowing and ensuring the access of people with special needs to any information.

In the pursuit of an inclusive and sustainable development approach, the Ethos Institute makes available on the hot site of the 2006 International Conference – Companies and Social Responsibility, tools that allow the access of people with special needs.

What differentiates this virtual environment?
An accessible website meets the needs of these people, who otherwise would not have access to the information contained in the virtual environment. It was developed so as to allow the use of speech recognition software, among other resources. Next, some questions about the accessibility tools.

Which accessibility tools are used on this hot site? The 2006 Ethos International Conference hot site has tools that allow the user with and without special needs to adjust it to the way that best suits him/her. It is possible to enlarge or reduce the letter size for people with impaired sight; the site layout can be adjusted to make it accessible so that speech recognition software can read the content for blind people.

What users will benefit from this “easy” access tool?
At first, the accessibility tools were created for people with special needs, mainly the blind or those with impaired sight. However, they can also facilitate the access for people without special needs, who for any reason find it difficult to read the page content.

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 Site Desenvolvido pela Acessibilidade Brasil 2005 |