Sustainable Tecnology Showcase 10 years of CSR To return for house click here to access Ethos website
The 2008 Ethos International Conference, to be held in São Paulo on May 27-30, 2008, is an event promoted by the Ethos Institute – Business and Social Responsibility, and organized by UniEthos – Education on Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development, in partnership with the Akatu Institute for Conscious Consumption, do Banco de Eventos, do Our São Paulo Movement, the Global Compact Brazilian Network and SPTuris (Official São Paulo Tourism Organization).

The 2008 Edition has a special nature, for it celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Ethos Institute and of the beginning of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement in Brazil. In this way, other events will take place simultaneously: an exhibition on the ten last years of the CSR movement, the first Sustainable Technologies Show, and an event to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the institute.

The program and the dynamics of the activities developed for these events seek to value creativity and interactivity.

“Socially Responsible Market: a New Development Ethics”

Sustainable development requires changes in the behavior of individuals and organizations, and in their relationship with the environment. Mankind faces the challenge of building a new civilization pattern. The forces that contribute to this process stem from the knowledge and values of the individuals, the organizations and the society, as well as in the ethics and culture guiding their behavior. Building an ethics of responsibility for society and of a sustainability culture requires respect for life, nature, universal human rights, social justice (including economic justice), and peace culture.

Given the relevance of the impacts their activities have on society and nature, business organizations must actively contribute to this process. Besides managing their business in a sustainable manner, companies must move forward and create market mechanisms that set new bases for commercial transactions and contribute to the necessary changes in their relations with the society.

The 2008 International Conference is willing to decisively contribute to an advance in the construction of a socially responsible market.

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Aiming to offer different forms of learning, interchange and experience sharing, we will hold one Plenary, three Roundtables, eight Theme panels, six Management workshops, as well as two new ceremonies: the opening ceremony and one for the Innovation in Sustainability Award; one guided tour to the Sustainable Technologies Show, one celebration of the 10th anniversary of the institute; and one debate of the Ethos Journalists Network. In addition, there will be two cultural activities aimed at valuing and showing the richness of our artistic diversity.

Plenary sessions: aimed at reflection on visions and analyses of the main challenges and trends of the CSR movement and sustainable development.

Roundtables: aimed at fostering the debate among various visions, presenting dilemmas, seeking convergent paths, and building commitments that will help overcome difficulties and face challenges.

Theme panels: aimed at analyzing, through the presentation of implementation experiences, the constraints, solutions and choices underlying decision-making in a sustainable development-oriented business management.

Management workshops: with differentiated dynamics, participants will learn how to carry out socially responsible management practices and processes in their companies.

Check below the activities of the four-day event and their themes.

May 28, 2008 - Wednesday
Starting at 2 p.m. Delivery of credentioals and material for the event.
15:00 - 18:00 Grande Auditório
Debate CSR in the Media: The media's CSR towards sustainable development of the society
The “CSR in the Media” debate aims to deepen the reflection on dilemmas and advances of the way sustainability culture and socially responsible behavior are covered by the media agenda and by communication companies’ management. The high attendance on this event in the 2006 and 2007 editions of the International Conference, due to the originality of this type of debate, indicates that the discussion should be deepened.
Paulo Nassar: Director of the Brazilian Association of Business Communication
Ignacio Ramonet: Director-president of Le Monde Diplomatique
Ingrid Bejerman: Professor of International Journalism at Concordia University
Julio Moreno: Coordinator of TV Cultura News Department
Paulo Itacarambi: Executive vice-president of the Ethos Institute
Pollyana Ferrari: Professor of Digital Journalism - Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP)
Ricardo Young: President of Ethos Institute
Open activity
18:00 - 18:30 Lounges
Coffe-break and networking
18:30 - 19:30 Grande Auditório
Opening cerimony
Oded Grajew: Founder of Nossa São Paulo movement
Paulo Itacarambi: Executive vice-president of the Ethos Institute
Ricardo Young: President of Ethos Institute
Percival Caropreso: Advertizing executive and founder of Setor 2 1/2
Paulo Goulart: Brasilian Actor
19:30 - 22:30 Hall Nobre
Welcome cocktail
Opening of the Sustainable Technologies Show and the Exhibition on 10 years of the Ethos Institute

May 28, 2008 - Wednesday
08:00 - 09:00 Delivery of credentioals and material for the event.
09:00 - 11:00 Grande Auditório
Roundtable: The sustainability ethics: commitment to the society
In this roundtable, we will try to deepen the discussion on the values present in our relations with other individuals and with the environment, and if such values are enough to promote sustainable development of the society. Here, our starting point will be that the perception of interdependency among the various forms of existence and the practice of essential virtues, such as compassion, cooperation, love and respect for the others and for oneself, create conditions for preserving life as a supreme value.
Simon Zadek: Chief Executive of AccountAbility
Georg Kell: Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact
Mario Sergio Cortella: Philosopher, with Master’s and PhD degrees in Education from PUC-SP
11:00 - 11:30 Lounges
Coffe-break and networking
11:30 - 13:30 Auditório 9
Panel 1: Sustainable development of the Amazon
From the reflection that the Amazon is a true opportunity to develop a new civilization pattern and the identification of the main threats posed by economic activities and government interventions, this panel will discuss measures to be adopted by the market in order to promote sustainable development in the area.
Adriana Ramos: Coordinator of the Amazon Initiative of the Socioenvironmental Institute (ISA)
Adalberto Veríssimo: Senior researcher at Imazon
Julio Barbosa de Aquino: Vice-president of the National Council of Rubber Tappers
Nelson Cabral de Carvalho: Coordinator of Petrobras’ Center for Environmental Excellence in the Amazon
Orlando Lima: Vale’s Sustainable Development Department
Roberto Waack: President of Amata
11:30 - 13:30 Grande Auditório
Panel 2: Market for sustainable products
Aiming to discuss what is required for the growth in supply and demand of sustainable products, this Panel will deepen the reflection on the strategic challenges, actions and actors in the development of a market for sustainable products.
Helio Mattar: Director-president of the Akatu Institute for Conscious Consumption
Laura Valente Macedo: Regional Director of ICLEI and campaign coordinator of Cities for Climate Protection
Ming Chao Liu: Manager of the Organics Brasil Project
11:30 - 13:30 Sala São Paulo 1
Workshop 1: Contribution of companies to the development of sustainable cities (part 1)
Based on the lessons learned by the companies participating in the Our São Paulo Movement and successful experiences such as that of Bogotá (Colombia), this workshop aims to foster knowledge exchange and knowledge building on how companies can contribute to sustainability of the communities in which they operate, seeking to increase their participation in this movement and enhance the relationship between business management and the development of sustainable cities. It also aims to assess the necessary public policy and market mechanisms so that these objectives can be achieved.
Tereza Cristina Rosa: Corporate Relations - Ethos Institute
11:30 - 13:30 Sala São Paulo 2
Workshop 2: Integrity and anti-corruption practices for a socially responsible market (part 1)
In this workshop, companies willing to implement integrity policies and anti-corruption practices will be able to learn the business experiences in applying the tenth principle of the UN Global Compact, and the measures put forward by the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption. Companies will also be able to think over proposals of public policy and market mechanisms necessary to face and overcome this challenge.
Caio Magri: Public Policy – Ethos Institute
Daiani Mistieri: Public Policy – Ethos Institute
Sylvya D'Oliveira: International Affairs – Ethos Institute
Tabata Villares: International Affairs – Ethos Institute
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch and networking
15:00 - 17:00 Sala São Paulo 1
Workshop 1: Contribution of companies to the development of sustainable cities (part 2)
15:00 - 17:00 Sala São Paulo 2
Workshop 2: Integrity and anti-corruption practices for a socially responsible market (continuation)
15:00 - 17:00 Grande Auditório
Panel 3: Finance management for sustainable development
Given the importance of the financial system in the market’s development and behavior, this panel will discuss which initiatives of the financial system can influence the development of a socially responsible market.
John Elkington: Co-founder of SustainAbility
Antonio Jacinto Matias: Vice-president of Banco Itaú
Eric Leenson: President and CEO of Progressive Asset Management Inc.
Ricardo Henriques: Advisor to the president of BNDES
15:00 - 17:00 Auditório 9
Panel 4: Sustainable management in civil construction
This panel will discuss how to promote sustainability in civil construction on a day-to-day basis and in the major investments in the sector. It will also bring information about international trends, experiences gathered by investors and how major companies and the society are influencing civil construction.
Marcelo Takaoka: Director-president of Y. Takaoka Empreendimentos
Kaarin Taipe: Chair of the UN Marrakech Task Force on Sustainable Buildings and Construction
Luiz Henrique Ceotto: Design and Construction Director at Tishman Speyer Properties
Vanderley John: Member of the Brazilian Council for Sustainable Construction
17:00 - 17:30 Lounges
Coffe-break and networking
17:30 - 19:30 Grande Auditório
Roundtable: Social cohesion and sustainability
This panel will discuss how social cohesion, composed of values such as trust, integrity, solidarity and love to life, has been harmed mainly by the way we carry out our economic and political activities. The challenges and actions required for an ethical and sustainable behavior to strengthen social cohesion will be pointed out.
Paulo Itacarambi: Executive vice-president of the Ethos Institute
Allen L. White: Co-Founder of the Global Reporting Initiative
Amit Goswami: Quantum physicist - University of Oregon, USA
Carlos Lopes: Executive Director of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
19:30 - 20:00 Lounges
Coffe-break and networking
20:00 - 20:30 Grande Auditório
Innovation in Sustainability Award
In its first edition, the Award aims to support public-private partnerships for Brazil’s sustainable development in the themes: Environment, Information Technology, Supply Chain Development, Education and Health.
Jennifer Adams: The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Director in Brazil
Ricardo Young: President of Ethos Institute
20:30 - 22:30 Grande Auditório
Multicultural activity
VIDA DE ARTISTA - A Arte de Construir um Espetáculo (An Artist’s life – The art of staging a show)

May 29, 2008 - Thursday
09:00 - 11:00 Grande Auditório
Roundtable: Global leadership towards sustainability
According to the UN Global Compact, responsible international leaders of all organizational levels face four key challenges: thinking and acting within a global context, broadening their corporate purpose so that it reflects accountability to society, placing ethics in the core of their thoughts, words and actions, and actively influencing executives’ education in order to give corporate responsibility the importance it merits. This roundtable will discuss the importance of globally exercising an ethical leadership based on values in search of economic and social progress and sustainable development.
Ernst Ligteringen: Chief Executive of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
John Elkington: SustainAbility Chief Entrepreneur
Ray Anderson: Chairman of Interface Inc.
Simon Zadek: Chief Executive of AccountAbility
11:00 - 11:30 Lounges
Coffe-break and networking
11:30 - 13:30 Grande Auditório
Panel 5: Labor relations for sustainability
This panel will debate the decent work agenda as a mechanism for the construction of a socially responsible market and as a platform for a sustainable society considering the different forms of labor relations.
Anna Pelliano: Ipea social responsibility research coordinator
Artur Henrique da Silva Santos: President of CUT
Maria Cristina Nascimento: Director of Espaço Empresarial Gestão de Serviços Ltda.
11:30 - 13:30 Auditório 9
Panel 6: Sustainable management of production and energy consumption
This panel will bring not only information about available sources of energy but also what changes are required for companies, government and individuals to become aware of the urgent need for sustainable management of energy production and use as well as of its impacts.
Jorge Abrahão: Director of Uni Engenharia e Comércio Ltda.
David Zylbersztaj: Director-president of DZ Negócios com Energia
Fred Gardner: Director of Teamworks - The Netherlands
Marco Antonio Saidel: Professor at the Energy and Electric Automation Engineering Dept - University of São Paulo Polytechnic School (POLI-USP)
Titus Brenninkmeijer: Founder of Solgenix - Solar Power to the People
11:30 - 13:30 Sala 4
Workshop 3: Contributions of companies to fighting poverty (part 1)
In this workshop the participants will learn how organizations can integrate poverty eradication actions into their core business. This initiative from the CSR and Poverty Eradication Actions project aims to encourage each company, in each country to integrate their actions into regional development plans and with other players, such as the public power and NGOs, so that the community can have full access to the poverty eradication actions. The workshop also invites the participants to jointly identify the necessary public policy and market mechanisms to make the poverty eradication actions more effective.
Workgroup: AVINA, Banco do Brasil; ICCO; Ethos Institute; Unisol; Unitrabalho
11:30 - 13:30 Sala São Paulo 1
Workshop 4: Contribution of companies to the sustainability of the Amazon (part 1)
This workshop will provide participants with insights on how companies can work together to implement the mission of the Amazon Forum, by fostering the necessary changes in the way they deal with the Amazon and having that their activities monitored based on collectively developed sustainability indicators compatible with the specificities of this region.
Caio Magri: Public Policy – Ethos Institute
Daiani Mistieri: Public Policy – Ethos Institute
11:30 - 13:30 Sala São Paulo 2
Workshop 5: Engaging the consumer in the construction of a socially responsible market (part 1)
A socially responsible market requires the creation of a sustainable business culture, which will only be possible with the engagement of several actors, mainly companies and consumers. Therefore, the consumer’s commitment is paramount. From the consumers’ point of view, there is still a long path to be covered and companies have a lot to contribute by taking a leading role. One additional challenge companies must face is turning their CSR communication more detailed and reliable, thus allowing consumers to distinguish companies that are truly committed to the social responsibility movement based on ethical principles and values from those who are seeking differentiation based only on occasional social and environmental actions. Under the coordination of the Akatu Institute for Conscious Consumption, this workshop will seek to encourage companies to devise both actions to involve consumers more deeply in Corporate Social Responsibility, thus contributing to strengthen the movement, and actions aimed at making CSR communication more adequate to current challenges. Initiatives already taken by the companies, sector organizations and governments will be taken into account, so as to gather all efforts that contribute to appropriately educate and inform the consumers on CSR.
Instituto Akatu pelo Consumo Consciente
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch and networking
15:00 - 17:00 Sala 4
Workshop 3: Contributions of companies to fighting poverty (continuation)
15:00 - 17:00 Sala São Paulo 1
Workshop 4: Contribution of companies to the sustainability of the Amazon (continuation)
15:00 - 17:00 Sala São Paulo 2
Workshop 5: Engaging the consumer in the construction of a socially responsible market (continuation)
15:00 - 17:00 Auditório 9
Panel 7: Sustainable management of the agribusiness
Considering the great impact the agribusiness has had on our natural resources and society, this panel intends to deepen the discussion on the main dilemmas for the construction of a sustainability culture in the sector.
Reginaldo Sales Magalhães: Civil society expert and IFC representative
Elio Neves: President of the São Paulo Federation of Rural Workers (Feraesp)
Ocimar Villela: Environment & Occupational Safety Manager - Amaggi Group
Roberto Smeraldi: Director of Friends of the Earth – Brazilian Amazon
15:00 - 17:00 Grande Auditório
Panel 8: Education for sustainability
This panel will discuss the role of education as a key tool for sustainable development. We will discuss how critical it is for education – besides being the way to acquire information, also to understand, comprehend and bring awareness of human life in its personal and environmental relations.
Ricardo Young: President of the Ethos Institute
Jane Nelson: Director of the CSR Initiative - Harvard University
Mario Monzoni: Coordinator of GVces – Center for Sustainability Studies – Getulio Vargas Foundation
Oscar Motomura: President of Amana Key
15:00 - 17:00 Lounges
Coffe-break and networking
17:30 - 19:00 Grande Auditório
Roundtable: Cross-sector challenge of sustainable management of emissions
Aware of the urgent need for auto vehicles to reduce air pollution and for the society to become mobilized to ensure compliance with the legislation that provides for diesel fuel with lowered sulfur contents, the Ethos Institute reset the 2008 IC agenda, allowing time for this discussion to take place so that concrete proposals can be made through the cooperation and joint effort of the sectors involved. The suggestion in this plenary session is that fuel manufacturers and distributors, automakers and dealers, government agents and inspection and regulatory agencies be proactive in relation to the application of Conama’s Resolution no. 315/2000, which, coupled with Federal Act no. 8.327/1993, refers not only to vehicle emission standards, but also to fuel quality, a critical issue. The 50 ppm diesel is expected to reach the market for P-6 technology (new engines) on January 1, 2009.
Milton Jung: Anchor of CBN Brasil
Belarmino da Ascenção Marta Jr.: President of Transurc
Eduardo Jorge: São Paulo City Environment Secretary
Frederico Kremer: Supply department commercial solutions manager – Petrobras
Paulo Hilário Nascimento Saldiva: Professor at the Department of Pathology – University of São Paulo Medical School
19:00 - 20:30 Lounges
Coffe-break and networking
20:00 - 20:30 Grande Auditório
Ethos Plenary Meeting: Proposals for a socially responsible market
Besides deepening the reflection on the evolution of the CSR movement and the challenges and opportunities for the implementation of sustainable development in Brazil, this plenary will present a document with public policy and regulation proposals raised by the work groups that prepared the management workshops. This set of consolidated proposals shall reflect the needs for the construction of a socially responsible market.
Hélio Mattar: President of the Akatu Institute for Conscious Consumption
Oded Grajew: Founder of Nossa São Paulo Movement
Paulo Itacarambi: Executive vice-president of the Ethos Institute
Ricardo Young: President of the Ethos Institute
20:30 - 22:30 Hall Viveiro
10th anniversary of the Ethos Institute

May 30, 2008 - Friday
11:00 - 13:30 Visita guiada à Mostra
Activity for Conference attendees only.
11:30 - 13:30 Sala São Paulo 2
Workshop 6: Mechanisms to implement corporate social responsibility in the value chain (part 1)
This workshop will look into the existing mechanisms to implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the value chain developed and used in the Tear Program – Weaving Sustainable Networks. The program is a partnership between the Ethos Institute and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and its main objective is to implement CSR actions in the value chain of strategic companies in seven sectors of the economy: sugar and alcohol, civil construction, electricity, mining, oil and gas, steel and retail.
Carla Stoicov: Tear Program – Ethos Institute
13:30 - 15:00 Lunch and networking
15:00 - 17:00 Sala São Paulo 2
Workshop 6: Mechanisms to Implement Corporate Social Responsibility in the Value Chain (continuation)
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