Sustainable Tecnology Showcase 10 years of CSR To return for house click here to access Ethos website
Adalberto Veríssimo: Senior researcher at Imazon
Adriana Ramos: Coordinator of the Amazon Initiative of the Socioenvironmental Institute (ISA)
Allen L. White: Vice President - Tellus Institute
Amit Goswami: Quantum physicist - University of Oregon, USA
Anna Pelliano: Ipea social responsibility research coordinator
Antonio Jacinto Matias: Vice-president of Banco Itaú
Artur Henrique da Silva Santos: President of CUT
Belarmino da Ascenção Marta: President of Transurc
Carlos Lopes: UNDP Representative
David Zylbersztajn: Director-president of DZ Negócios com Energia
Eduardo Jorge: São Paulo City Environment Secretary
Elio Neves: President of the São Paulo Federation of Rural Workers (Feraesp)
Eric Leenson: President and CEO of Progressive Asset Management Inc.
Ernst Ligteringen: Chief Executive of Global Reporting Iniciative (GRI)
Fred Gardner: Director of Teamworks - The Netherlands
Frederico Kremer: Supply departament commercial solutions manager - Petrobras
Georg Kell: Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact
Helio Mattar: Director-president of the Akatu Institute for Conscious Consumption
Ignacio Ramonet: Director-president of Le Monde Diplomatique
Ingrid Bejerman: Professor of International Journalism at Concordia University
Jane Nelson: Director of the CSR Initiative - Harvard University
Jennifer Adams: The United States Agency for Internacional Development (USAID) Director in Brazil
John Elkington: SustainAbility Chief Entrepreneur
Jorge Abrahão: Director of Uni Engenharia e Comércio Ltda.
Julio Barbosa de Aquino: Vice-president of the National Council of Rubber Tappers
Julio Moreno: Coordinator of TV Cultura News Department
Kaarin Taipale: Chair of the UN Marrakech Task Force on Sustainable Buildings and Construction
Laura Valente Macedo: Regional Director of ICLEI and campaign coordinator of Cities for Climate Protection
Luiz Henrique Ceotto: Design and Construction Director at Tishman Speyer Properties
Marcelo Takaoka: Director-president of Y. Takaoka Empreendimentos
Marco Antonio Saidel: Professor at the Energy and Electric Automation Engineering Dept - University of São Paulo Polytechnic School (POLI-USP)
Maria Cristina Nascimento: Director of Espaço Empresarial Gestão de Serviços Ltda.
Mario Monzoni: Coordinator of Gvces - Center for Sustainability Studies - Getulio Vargas Foundation
Mario Sergio Cortella: Philosopher, with Master's and PhD degrees in Education from PUC-SP
Ming Chao Liu: Manager of the Organics Brasil Project
Milton Jung: Anchor of CBN Brazil
Nelson Cabral de Carvalho: Coordinator of Petrobras' Center for Environmental Excellence in the Amazon
Ocimar de Camargo Villela: Environment & Occupational Safety Manager - Amaggi Group
Oded Grajew: Founder of Nossa São Paulo movement
Orlando Lima: Vale's Sustainable Development Department
Oscar Motomura: President of Amana Key
Paulo Goulart: Brasilian actor
Paulo Hilário Nascimento Saldiva: Professor at the Department of Pathology – University of São Paulo Medical School
Paulo Itacarambi: Executive vice-president of the Ethos Institute
Paulo Nassar: Director of the Brazilian Association of Business Communication
Percival Caropreso: Advertizing executive and founder of Setor 2 1/2
Pollyana Ferrari: Professor of Digital Journalism - Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP)
Ray Anderson: Chairman of Interface Inc.
Reginaldo Sales Magalhães: Civil society expert and IFC representative
Ricardo Henriques: Advisor to the president of BNDES
Ricardo Young: President of the Ethos Institute
Roberto Smeraldi: Director of Friends of the Earth – Brazilian Amazon
Roberto Waack: President of Amata
Simon Zadek: Chief Executive of AccountAbility
Titus Brenninkmeijer: Founder of Solgenix - Solar Power to the People
Vanderley John: Member of the Brazilian Council for Sustainable Construction

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