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Newsletter with the exclusive coverage of the Ethos International Conference
The four-day event, held on May 27– 30, totaled 55 speakers, 1,606 attendees, 247 journalists and over 4,800 visitors to the Sustainable Technology Showcase and to the Exhibition on 10 years of the Ethos Institute at Parque Anhembi (SP). > Click here to see the PDF file


Socially responsible market: from challenge to reality
The four-day long 2008 Ethos International Conference gathered 2,500 people at the Anhembi Convention Center, in São Paulo, including attendees and lecturers, journalists, guests and visitors to the Sustainable Technology Showcase and the exhibition on 10 years of the CSR movement. > Access here the page for submission of new proposals.

Mutual accusations heat up debate on pollutant emissions
Who is responsible for the non-compliance with National Council of Environment (Conama) Resolution no.315, published in 2002, aimed at turning the air cleaner in large Brazilian cities?
Reinforcing the links in the value chain
The most highly attended workshop in the 2008 Ethos International Conference - “Mechanisms to Implement Corporate Social Responsibility in the Value Chain” – showed the participants’ effort to find solutions to implement practices including all stakeholders.


Sustainability in the forest depends on companies’ actions
Concerns with the expansion of the Amazon frontier, marked by natural resources degradation, violence and fast, but not sustainable, economic development, were addressed in the workshop “Contribution of Companies to the Sustainability of the Amazon”, held at the 2008 Ethos International Conference.
Communication is critical to raising consumer awareness
Raising the workforce awareness of the importance of becoming change agents, so that their consumption choices can have a positive effect on the society. This was the concept that guided the activities of the workshop “Engaging the Consumer in the Construction of a Socially Responsible Market”, held by the Akatu Institute at the 2008 Ethos International Conference.
The good business of investing in crime reduction social programs
“Resources required to avoid a crime through the prison system are thirty-fold higher than trying to avoid it through a preventive program.” This statement was made by Cláudio Beato, researcher and head of the Minas Gerais Federal University (UFMG) Center for Criminality and Public Safety Studies (Crisp), in a lecture given at the 2008 Ethos International Conference.
Companies must help fight poverty by incentivating local economy
The socially responsible market is still embryonic. In order to grow, be strong and walk by itself it must count on the support of companies, and also on specific public policy.

Brazilian privileges and challenges regarding the energy issue
The Brazilian energy matrix is a privileged one as compared to other countries, but we still need to develop technology and educate consumers, including companies and the government, for a more conscious energy consumption.


The role of companies in the construction of sustainable cities
The workshop “Contribution of Companies to the Development of Sustainable Cities”, held at the 2008 Ethos International Conference, was inspired by the work developed by the Our São Paulo Movement, a NGO gathering over 400 civil society organizations aimed at contributing to turn São Paulo into a safer, healthier, more attractive, solidary and democratic city.
From diagnosis to action, from business to markets
The 2008 Ethos International Conference, which celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Ethos Institute, also witnesses a shift in the corporate social responsibility movement’s strategy: from diagnosis to action, from assessments to partnership, from local movements to wider arenas.


Agribusiness makes a public commitment to sustainable development
The Instituto para o Agronegócio Responsável (Responsible Agribusiness Institute) – Ares launched, at the 2008 Ethos International Conference, the Declaration for Sustainable Development, a public commitment to social and environmental causes that provides the society with an argument for demanding compliance from companies.
Educating to serve society, not to compete
Acquiring competencies and knowledge may contribute to sustainable development. Clearly conveyed values may help successful life choices. However, where is the public and private education in Brazil leading to? Can we say our children will have quality of life only with what they learn at school? The panel “Education for Sustainability”, held at the 2008 Ethos International Conference, moved the audience by its relevance and cross-cutting nature.
Agribusiness: being sustainable has never been so necessary
Brazil is about to offer to the world an agricultural production certification system. The news was given by Roberto Smeraldi, who runs the non-profit organization Friends of the Earth – Brazilian Amazon, during the panel “Sustainable Management of the Agribusiness”, held at the Ethos Institute 2008 International Conference.
Sustainability at work still waits for innovative solutions
“The old-fashioned approach to labor relations based on the confrontation between capital and labor is no longer valid to meet the new challenges of the current reality, which requires more complex and innovative solutions.” The statement was made by the national secretary of CUT (Unified Workers Confederation), Adeilson Ribeiro Telles, in the panel “Labor Relations for Sustainability”, held at the Ethos Institute 2008 International Conference.

Workshop puts forward proposals to fight corruption
The need for transparency in governmental and corporate actions, stricter and more effective penalties in corruption cases, and the creation of reporting channels that protect the author’s anonymity.
Exercising subtleties
Indian physicist Amit Goswami, professor emeritus of quantum physics in the Physics Department of the University of Oregon, USA, known by his book The Self-Aware Universe, was the focus of the debate in the roundtable “Social Cohesion and Sustainability”, held at the Ethos Institute 2008 International Conference. His thesis on the universe unreality without the presence of consciousness has inspired movies such as the Matrix series, and has shaken the environment of managers and developers of business and public policy strategies.


Putting up buildings, exploding myths
Sustainable construction is expensive. Low-income housing does not match sustainability and solutions should be imported. Green building and certifications are the best alternatives. These are some of the myths of sustainable construction discussed in the panel “Sustainable Management in Civil Construction”, held at the Ethos Institute 2008 International Conference.
Ray Anderson: sustainability in the routine
The “Global Leadership towards Sustainability” roundtable featuring Ray Anderson, founder of Interface, Inc., a Canadian carpet manufacturer, was a great opportunity debating on a real case of a company that strategically adopted sustainability management.
Mandalla Agency wins Sustainability Innovation Award
The Franquia Social (Social Franchising) Project devised by Agência Mandalla de Desenvolvimento Holístico, Sistêmico e Ambiental (Mandalla Agency for Holistic, Systemic and Environmental Development), from João Pessoa (State of Paraíba), was the winner of the first edition of the Sustainability Innovation Award, organized by the Ethos Institute in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development - Usaid.
A strange beast that goes after profits
After two hours of debate in the Ethos Institute 2008 International Conference panel “Finance Management for Sustainable Development”, moderator John Elkington, founder of SustainAbility, said that he forecasts a very worrying economic scenario for the next two years, which requires the urgent implementation of a sustainable agenda.

Governmental vacuum in the Amazon region
The magnificence of the Amazon region, not only in terms of territory, but mainly due to its biological, cultural and social diversity, besides being its main richness is also Brazil’s biggest challenge in the search for a sustainable development model for the region.
Ethics demands looking beyond the obviousness and pursuing the third bank of the river
A pacific tone, reminding us to be careful with and protect life, opened the roundtable entitled “The Sustainability Ethics: Commitment to the Society” at the Ethos Institute 2008 International Conference.


“CSR in the media”: journalists and sustainable development
The first activity of the Ethos Institute 2008 International Conference, the “CSR in the media” debate, gathered over 250 people in the Anhembi Main Auditorium. This is a moment for professionals of the media sector to think over the future of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) movement, and an opportunity to review how the media have been covering the theme.
A socially responsible market: the challenge of the next ten years
With the eyes on the future and aware of the huge challenge to face ahead, the Ethos Institute celebrated in the evening of May 27 the opening ceremony of the 2008 International Conference recalling its ten years of existence. An attentive audience came to the Anhembi Convention Center, in São Paulo, willing to contribute to building a socially responsible market, the conference theme pervading all workshops, panels and debates. > Click here to see the full text of the Earth Charter
> and click here to read Paulo Goulart’s text
> Galeria de fotos


Paulo Itacarambi, executive director of the Ethos Institute, talks about the 2008 International Conference
2008 will be full of novelties to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Ethos Institute. The first one is the International Conference, which will be more creative, playful and interactive. In this interview, Paulo Itacarambi, executive director of the Ethos Institute and conference coordinator, talks about the innovations expected for the conference and about the themes on which the movement will focus in 2008.
Ray Anderson, CEO of Interface Inc, will be one of the speakers of the roundtable

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