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The good business of investing in crime reduction social programs

“Resources required to avoid a crime through the prison system are thirty-fold higher than trying to avoid it through a preventive program.” This statement was made by Cláudio Beato, researcher and head of the Minas Gerais Federal University (UFMG) Center for Criminality and Public Safety Studies (Crisp), in a lecture given at the 2008 Ethos International Conference.

Beato showed the results of the Programa de Controle de Homicídios Fica Vivo! (homicide control program), aimed at reducing the number of homicides by fostering community and youth organization in deprived areas. The work engages young people from the communities aged 12 to 24 in educational, cultural and vocational workshops, and has the patrolling support of the Grupamento Especializado em Policiamento de Áreas de Risco –Gepar (risky areas special patrolling group) of the Minas Gerais Military Police.

The UFMG researcher sought to sensitize businesspeople to invest in similar programs, saying that out of R$ 92 billion annually spent on public safety in Brazil (around 4% of the GDP), the heaviest burden is borne by the private sector, which spends R$ 60 billion per year, R$ 14 billion of which on private safety. The public sector spends R$ 32 billion, R$ 28 billion of which are invested in repressive apparatuses. “Direct losses deriving from criminality, totaling R$ 9 billion and loss of human capital have not been included”, remarks Beato.

Currently, the Fica Vivo Program caters for 15 thousand young people with an annual budget of just R$ 18 million. Still, it has managed to reduce homicide rate by 20% in the areas where it was implemented. Through the program, young people receive social support and qualification opportunities, as well as leisure, education and culture. In addition, some joint strategic interventions are carried out by public safety bodies linked to the Public Prosecutors Office, the Civil Police and the Military Police.


Source: Ethos Institute

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