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Ray Anderson: sustainability in the routine

By Luciano Martins Costa

The “Global Leadership towards Sustainability” roundtable featuring Ray Anderson, founder of Interface, Inc., a Canadian carpet manufacturer, was a great opportunity debating on a real case of a company that strategically adopted sustainability management. In the end, one of the interviewers, Simon Zadek, Chief Executive of AccountAbility, noticed that a major part of the audience left the auditorium decided to look for another job.

According to Anderson, following the path of sustainability is like climbing a mountain: the trail is rough and steep, demands physical and mental fitness; the uphill climb is painful, but fascinating because, as you walk the perspectives and horizons broaden. But he did not offer only metaphors. The businessman that has changed the concept of a whole industrial sector and has been inspiring executives throughout the world explained how his experience points out to some guidelines for sustainable management.

Firstly, he said, this is a long-term change process that requires the development of a strategic vision, which has to be strong enough to survive for a long time, guiding the decisions. Finally, it is necessary to establish an intense, continuous and consistent dialogue with all stakeholders. In the case of Interface, Inc., noticed Anderson, the internal process gained external credibility due to the press coverage; this external endorsement reinforced the internal process, creating a virtuous circle.

The discussion that followed his presentation helps dispel some myths perpetuated in many companies. One of them says the innovation DNA is in the middle management and the technical staff. According to Anderson, the changes at Interface, Inc. began on the plant floor with the creation of a waste reduction program. The workers started to receive financial compensation for the results and a team of multipliers started working to change the culture. “The best ideas came up in the plant floor. They always know the best way to do things,” commented Anderson.

Another myth exploded was the leadership that transcends the reality of business. “Leadership qualities are not enough. The key point is to have a vision to move in the right direction, identify and make sure this vision is correct in the first place, for many leaders start a process and mislead the company,” he said. On the other hand, added Anderson, the development of a common language and vocabulary has been important in his company’s experience: “This has enabled both vertical and horizontal communications.”

Ray Anderson also denied the idea that sustainability innovation demands great structural changes. “Interface, Inc. hierarchical structure is traditional, but there is a lot of freedom in the information flow. The team of multipliers created in the beginning of the process continues to gather and diffuse ideas, and to encourage internal discussion on the next steps,” added Anderson.

Finally, the appearance of Interface’s founder creates the perception that leaders are not necessarily super-heroes. Rather than a guru, Anderson resembles an ordinary citizen. He does not have brilliant rhetoric skills, and he is not an obviously charismatic figure. He looks like an ordinary man trying to show that an incredible feat is just a simple routine act.

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